Earthmoving Tips: Three Essential Preparation Tips for Successful Excavation


If you are planning on constructing a new residential structure on your property, you will need to plan for excavation. This earthmoving process will allow the installation of an ideal foundation for the optimal support of the building. In general, excavation is a complicated process. It is crucial for you to consult a qualified and experienced earthmoving contractor for professional guidance. In addition, you should be diligent in planning for the work. Here are simple tips for preparing for your earthmoving and construction processes.

Select the Right Excavator

Successful excavation begins with the right earthmoving equipment. The wrong choice of construction machinery will result in worksite inefficiencies, delays and unnecessary costs. When choosing your excavator, you should think about all pertinent factors, including the site, time frame and your budget. When examining the site, you should check the ground conditions. If the ground is rocky, you might need severe-duty buckets for the work. You should also make sure that there is sufficient space for the movement of the machinery. If you are concerned about the time frame, you should opt for larger excavators with more digging or trenching capacity. However, you must remember that larger and more efficient machines will cost more to acquire.

Obtain the Required Permits

You should check your local building regulations and determine the specific permits required for the excavation of your lot. If you proceed without consent from the appropriate authorities, you might violate some rules, and the consequences can be significant. In simple terms, you might face legal and financial penalties if you proceed without approval. You should also contact the local utility companies before breaking the ground. If there are pipes, conduits or cables buried on your lot, you must know their placement to avoid causing avoidable damage. Remember, if you are unaware, you could cause issues such as sewage contamination and gas leaks.

Clear the Worksite

You should plan for the clearing of your lot before the actual excavation of the ground commences. If you are dealing with an undisturbed piece of land, you might need to handle tasks such as tree clearance and stump removal. You should make sure that these tasks are completed correctly to avoid causing damage to your excavator. It is also essential for you to make arrangements for the disposal the waste generated after excavation. Some of the material can be used for backfilling, grading and contouring. The rest of the material must be collected and placed in an appropriate dump truck for proper disposal. 


17 July 2018

How to Hire Heavy Construction Equipment: A Guide

If you need to hire heavy construction equipment and you do not work in the construction industry, you may be somewhat overwhelmed by the range of different machines which are on offer. When I wanted to hire a piece of heavy construction equipment so I could landscape my property, I didn't have the first idea about which type of machine was the best one for the job. Thankfully, I was able to call my brother-in-law. He works in the construction industry so he was able to give me some great advice. I decided to start this blog for people who don't have access to an expert. Enjoy!