3 Important Safety Precautions When Operating a Crane Truck Remote Control


When loading or unloading a crane truck at a construction site using a remote control, it is essential to be careful. A crane truck is an expensive investment for any construction firm, and careless handling of the remote control will likely lead to damage to the truck. Also, the safety of the driver and crane operator must be given priority, and this starts with the appropriate use of the remote control. While caution might seem straightforward, crane operators must accord it the seriousness it deserves. This article thus highlights some of the most overlooked safety precautions when using a crane truck remote control.

Packing the Cord -- When loading or unloading a crane truck, the remote control is always a versatile option. It offers the operator many different positioning options when controlling the crane. That said, there are areas where the use of a radio remote control is considered dangerous. For instance, if a construction site is in a hospital compound, the crane truck's remote control might interfere with sensitive hospital machines. If there are petrochemicals on site, the risk of fire is inherent when the operator uses the crane remote control. In such cases, a cord becomes useful. Connecting it to the remote control allows the operator to control the crane manually. Notably, it helps to eliminate the risks involved when operating a crane in high-risk sites. Therefore, crane truck operators must remember to pack the cord at all times.

Backup Battery -- Since the remote controls for crane trucks operate wirelessly, it is essential to make sure that the battery is on a full charge at all times. This will prevent the remote control from dying on you when a load is in midair. However, operating with a fully charged remote control battery is not enough. To be safe, make sure that you have a spare battery on hand at all times.

Staying stationary -- A popular misconception about a crane truck remote control is that it is possible to walk and operate it at the same time. However, this is wrong, and doing so is highly dangerous to an operator and other staff on site. It is difficult to multitask when walking and keeping an eye on the load. Therefore, any time you need to reposition, lock the crane first then move to a new position. Give your new location a quick but careful check before re-engaging the controls.


17 July 2018

How to Hire Heavy Construction Equipment: A Guide

If you need to hire heavy construction equipment and you do not work in the construction industry, you may be somewhat overwhelmed by the range of different machines which are on offer. When I wanted to hire a piece of heavy construction equipment so I could landscape my property, I didn't have the first idea about which type of machine was the best one for the job. Thankfully, I was able to call my brother-in-law. He works in the construction industry so he was able to give me some great advice. I decided to start this blog for people who don't have access to an expert. Enjoy!